Wednesday, February 24, 2010

8 weeks 1 Day

Went in for my first OBGYN appointment for the baby! Daddy came with and boy was he grouchy before we got there. He's not much of a morning person, but after the little craziness in the morning, we finally got to see our little flutter again. This time baby is bigger than the yolk sack! Last time the baby was a small dot, this time, the adorable blob right there in the uterus is our mini us!! Baby is growing to be the size of a green olive. I was so relieved because I've been worried this whole time but this appointment has me feeling so much better.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The best test I ever past

The first day I tested early on the 23rd of January and of course it was negative. The next morning I was too anxious and a slight positive came in within the 2 minute time frame. (the positive is real faint right on top) I had to double check so I encouraged my self to wait until the 26th which would have been my late menstrual cycle.

On the 26th of January, I went to class and decided to pick up a test during my long break before my next class. This time I purchased digital ones cause what's more assuring then seeing those definite words, "not pregnant," or "pregnant."

Sure enough that glorious word came in, "pregnant!" haha Though, since I didn't take the test with my first urination of the day, I retested the next morning and it was the same results.

Before all this crazy testing, I knew something was different when I was waking up wide awake and up so early. Sometimes around 4 in the morning!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our Sweet Pea

Got an ultrasound done yesterday and here's our little sweet pea or my funny tech called it "that little flutter there is your baby!" haha I dunno, that comment cracked me up or maybe I was just so giddy inside everything she said made me want to crack up. 5 weeks 6 days. According to our tech, the baby's heart was beating 116 beats/minute.